Tuesday, August 17, 2010

My Empire State of Mind

I created Nearly Free in NYC to offer readers opportunities to enjoy and participate in events and activities around Gotham. Beyond the obvious merits of free (and almost) free things to do, there's a deeper benefit to be had. There's the inner contentment of peace of knowing: I HAVE ALL THAT I NEED RIGHT HERE AND NOW. MY LIFE I RICH AND FULL AS IT IS.

Trust me, I struggle with this concept DAILY. Working for a couple handfuls of peanuts, trying to undo past debt mistakes, and just plainly, trying to have fun once in a while makes it difficult to feel that I HAVE. Sometime after moving to New York City four years ago, I had the revelation that this very-expensive-city also makes me feel rich in spirit if not in pocket.

It's beautiful here. The architecture for one. The many shades of people that I meet. The museums. The restaurants. The parks. There is so much to be had--the question is how do you take advantage of your own backyard? And how do you make choices that promote financial and spiritual freedom in the mean time?

What about living in New York City (or other place) makes you feel rich?

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