Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Waiting Game

UPDATE: gift card received. But let's hope Living Social takes a lesson from this.

Yesterday I bought the Amazon gift card deal from Living Social and still haven't gotten a confirmation.

As said before, I am a big fan of e-mail deals from services such as Groupon, KGB Deals, and, more recently, Living Social. I have since learned a little more about how the market for these deals is getting bigger and bigger.

Of course the deal lover in me says the more the merrier as competition is good for the consumer. And apparently, Living Social scored big with the Amazon offering. But as I wait here getting more and more frustrated, I'm thinking these guys are going to have to rachet up their customer service. A friend of mind had never bought one of these deals before the Amazon one and is still waiting as well. His mistrust is growing and he may never go the way of the online deal again.

Living Social posted on its web site that confirmation may be taking longer to be delivered due to the success of the deal. Their problem, not ours. Get moving Living Social or get lost--there are other sharks circling for my business.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Stupid Tax and other Stories

It's a gruesome tough world out there sometimes. A lot of times I feel a little victim-y--that I can't do what I want because I'm not rich. And then when I make a mistake and have to pay $ for it I feel even worse. Dave Ramsey who coined the term "Stupid Tax," meaning the things we waste money on because we don't plan ahead, we're thoughtless, we're lazy. Recently, I racked up $80 in stupid tax fines. Actually it was three parking tickets I had gotten in two days. Stupid, stupid, stupid. And geez, I need that money for so many other things. Then I did something I had never done before: I went to City Hall to fight them. I had never wanted to spend the time doing that. Plus, I was guilty and had no good excuses. Still I had to try.

I went and was the first one called to the bench in the morning. The judge, a real strict, old school kind of guy asked me what happened. I said I was busy at work (which was mostly true). In the end, the judge asked me to plead guilty and reduced my fines to $30 total. I left feeling so much better and a lot less hopeless about life.

(Now this was outside NYC. But if you get a parking ticket in NYC, I can't recommend this service enough: These professional ticket fighters get your fines reduced or dismissed for the half the cost of your fine.)

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Wishing You a very Black Christmas!

Just because Santa is deep in red you don't have to be. This Christmas I'm doing my best to rein in my spending. It's difficult though because I truly want to embrace the spirit of giving and show my loved ones how much I appreciate them. In order to keep myself on task, I'm going to be blogging about my Christmas shopping experiences. My ideal is to actually GIVE more because I'll be on the lookout for the best ways to stretch my dollar allowing me to be creative and think BIG.

Gift #1: Groupon Gift certificate for $75 worth of wine purchased at $25. I am even more of a fan of Groupon now that the online deal delivery service offers even more through its holiday gift. A note about the fine print: shipping not included in the certificate value.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Out for a Deal

That's me ... I'm always looking for a ways to live largely--but cheaply. I still don't believe in clipping my wings, cramping my style--whatever you want to call it--just because I'm on a budget. Thank heavens for the online deals delivered to my e-mail inbox. Right now, I'm signed up for and Lately, I've been designing my weekends on what deal comes to me. In this way, I can meet up with friends and even treat them to a round! Forgive me if I sound too enthusiastic but this is that good.

This weekend's destination is L'oubli Gourmet Bar in the East Village. On KGB, I paid $10 for $20 worth of food and drinks. The challenge, of course, is to not overdrink overspend! Salut!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Thoughts on the Anniversary

Today I feel happy, I feel reflective, wistful, and a little scared to go out into this bright blue day. But today I will be with friends and family so I will be at home. I can't help thinking about small moments I've had since 9/11/01.One of them happened a few years ago. It was late at night and I was taking a cab home. The driver seemed distressed and I asked him what was wrong. He was an Arab Muslim and he listening to a BBC news report about discrimination of his people. He was hurt and angry. And I did my best to assure him that there were still Americans who believed in peace and religious freedom and justice for all people. After we got to my block, he pulled over and we talked some more. We clasped hands and prayed for peace together and then parted ways. It was amazing because I asked and he answered and in this little moment we shared something so great.

On this anniversary, I offer that hope is free, love is free, friendship is free, forgiveness is free--and all these things are available to us whenever we need it.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Festivals and Festivals and Festivals

Beginning this weekend, NYC embraces its artsy self with festivals devoted to music, dance, and books.

First up, the Brooklyn Book Festival where you can go ogle famous authors, get acquainted with small presses, quote Proust, and pretend that you've already finished Jonathan Franzen's latest novel (but if you have, can I borrow?). I've been to the BBF before. It's fun and apparently it's gotten bigger in the past five years. Hello Salman Rushdie! (Sept. 10 to 12.
at Brooklyn Borough Hall, 209 Joralemon Street, B-town, NYC)
PS. this morning I read and an interview with this BBF author who said Manhattan is the new Brooklyn. Huh? Someone please explain this to me.

Bryant Park Fall Festival (Sept. 13 to 20) When Fashion Week's Tents left for Lincoln Center they had to do something with Bryant Park. Find eight jazz, funk, opera and classical music, ballet and modern dance performances during the week that the likes of models, celebs, and designers once tread. 6 to 7:30 p.m. FREE (except for the whiskey hot chocolate you might need during the chilly evenings.)

NY City Center's Fall for Dance Festival (Sept. 28 to Oct. 9 tickets go on sale Sept. 12 at 11 a.m.) Tickets are a stunningly reasonable $10. And sure, it would be wonderful to partake in this international celebration of dance by renowned dance companies and choreographers. But you can also do it FREE. And though you might have to see the dancers via screen--a DJ, bar, and pretty damn artsy cool people will be your recompense. Read more about the Festival Lounge.

NY City Center: West 55th Street (between 6th and 7th avenues). All performances are at 8 p.m., except for the Sunday, October 3 performance, which is a 3 p.m. matinee.

NEWSFLASH-$4 movie tickets

I'd write more about this really awesome deal but they're running out fast. When I just purchased mine, there were only 103 $4 AMC movie tickets left. Good luck!


***Update, I scored my ticket--actually one ticket per person allowed--and learned about a new site for great discounts I'll definitely be featuring them again soon. Oh and by the way, 76 tickets lefts as of last count.