Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Waiting Game

UPDATE: gift card received. But let's hope Living Social takes a lesson from this.

Yesterday I bought the Amazon gift card deal from Living Social and still haven't gotten a confirmation.

As said before, I am a big fan of e-mail deals from services such as Groupon, KGB Deals, and, more recently, Living Social. I have since learned a little more about how the market for these deals is getting bigger and bigger.

Of course the deal lover in me says the more the merrier as competition is good for the consumer. And apparently, Living Social scored big with the Amazon offering. But as I wait here getting more and more frustrated, I'm thinking these guys are going to have to rachet up their customer service. A friend of mind had never bought one of these deals before the Amazon one and is still waiting as well. His mistrust is growing and he may never go the way of the online deal again.

Living Social posted on its web site that confirmation may be taking longer to be delivered due to the success of the deal. Their problem, not ours. Get moving Living Social or get lost--there are other sharks circling for my business.